Friday, August 31, 2012

One Week Down, So Many To Go

Student Stampede
Yes, The great institute of learning named Firebaugh High School has had it's first week of active school. Freshmen tread the new environment that will be their school for three years; Sophomores still don't know what to do; Juniors prepare to be the top dogs next year, and finally the people who matter; The Seniors are preparing for a headache filled year.

The school has physically not changed much. The buildings and rooms are all the same, but they are clean. Which is one of the few things I expected from the school coming back. However one new physical aspect of the school is the motivational quotes scattered and mostly concentrated in the entranced of the school.

 As you can see some of these quotes are a bit childish, but all in good fun. The first week has been pleasant; although getting use to late start Wednesdays will be hard. A new motivation program was unveiled, although a similar program was reveled last year and it was a complete failure. Cool merit buttons are being given away. And we finally have scanners for our IDs for lunch; Yessssss.

So lets keep this up yeah!!!!    


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