Saturday, August 30, 2014

Getting Dumped 9 Hours Before Your Labs Are Due:How I Spent My Frst Week of Senior Year

Ah senior year, cherished by so many ,as the final victory of lap of four years of awful institutional indoctrination; the first week should be the  delightful bridge between the summer time madness and the vast adventure laying ahead.That was not the case.---The clock reads 1:30 am, I have officially missed the deadline for my IB Biology lab. After carefully breaking up such a daunting task through out the week I should have finished this assignment by 8 o'clock pm . However like most things in life, it never goes according to plan. Yesterday, it was precisely 3:15 when the terrible news had knocked the wind out of my poor sleep deprived self. After spending the first  week of school  strategically avoiding the so called "talk". My long term boyfriend had ended our two year relationship. I will not go into details on what exactly was said, but it was enough to leave me an emotional wreck in between the lecture hall and the office. Only to be removed by my 15 year old brother,as he escorted my distraught self into our mother's vehicle.

I would spend the next five hours crying  my eyes out, as I attempted, without much success, in finishing my lab. I was not able to  eat, I was not able sleep, all I was apparently capable to do was cry without end. I could not help but notice , that I spent my  underclassmen years looking down on those who would allow something as "superfluous" as a boyfriend, to impede them from turning in an assignment in on time. I find it ironic that I am finally found myself on the other side of the fence. I have spent the last 10 and a half hours going through the five stages of grief, trying to make out how exactly those who go through this during their "finals" week survive this emotional down pour. I've come to the conclusion that those who manage to pull through are nothing short of genius.

My firsts week should have been the start of a great adventure, not an emotional avalanche waiting to crush me at the end of the week. Sadly, there's nothing that can be done to mend the situation, however that does not mean senior year won't get better, in fact, it is because of this that my future looks bright. You know what they say, once you're at rock bottom the only way to go, is up. So now after watching  at least 3 YouTube videos, and at least ten hours of breakup music I'm finally ok. I have been given the chance to really work on the yearbook, to prepare for mock trial and win medals for academic decathlon. So senior year bring it on I spent 13 years of my life without him, I can most certainly get though the next couple of months. I'm the brightest star in the solar system , you know SOLis.


I probably should get back to that lab.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Karen Page's Page of Komics: "The Anime Club"

I'm going to use this space to recommend one of my favorite comics of all time, KC Green's The Anime Club. I will warn you now that this comic relies on the reader's ability to relate to it. If you have no prior history with anime and/or had friends who really enjoyed anime, a lot of this comic's charm might be lost on you. Which is damn shame because it's a very enjoyable journey. Especially since it's all too real when it comes to the experiences anime fans have gone through. Who could forget that time you punched someone in the face for talking shit about Card Captor Sakura? The characters seem to be like every fucking anime fan you met or were yourself, from the overly-enthusiastic weaboos to the pretentious douchebags with better taste than you. Anyway, I'd say give it a shot anyway because it does have a plot to it rather than just "haha anime references". It's also fairly short so you don't have much to lose.

The Anime Club revolves around four high schoolers in their own Anime Club: Mort, Mark, Dave, and their newest member, Clyde. Kicked out of Mort's house, the comic starts off with the Anime Club meeting being held at the local library. Mort's choice of entertainment for the meeting is an animated porno, "hentai", lovingly named "Smegma Princess". Unfortunately, the data in the disc is corrupted, giving Dave's computer a virus. A fist fight and a Dave's meltdown later, the club is banned from the library. And thus the quest to find a new meeting location and a refund begins.

My favorite thing about this comic is the outstanding art style. It really carries an old school cartoon look, thick lines, ridiculously dramatic faces, the works. It's almost like something you would find on Nickelodeon. Not only that but you can actually see the artist's improvement over time! We don't often see an artist's progress. We're given the finished, concrete version of their work. Sure, it's important to have consistent quality content but there's something refreshing about seeing where someone started and where they currently are now. (Which is funny because I never keep my old drawings and yet here I am raving about seeing progress on paper.)

Here are some examples of how the visual quality of the artist's content has improved:
From Part 0... Part 1, we can already see a vast improvement.

One of the original strips from Part 0

Compared to Part 4!
The timing, mood, and storytelling have all improved dramatically from the beginning strips! The storytelling stays pretty consistent from Part 1 and on, and the humor is excellent throughout, so it's great ride from start to finish!

If the comic caught your attention, read all 6 parts here! ♥

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Senior Year: The Long Expeted Journey

    As the sun sets on yet another summer evening, it becomes harder and harder to ignore the inevitable: senior year is upon us. While most of my classmates anxiously await the start of the final year of high school, I’m petrified. Suddenly the need for my relatives to know what I’m going to do with my life has become downright intimidating.I have spent the past two weeks, systematically avoiding the topic. Which is actually pretty ironic. If you would have asked the girl in the picture where she wanted to be in the next twelve years, she would have looked you straight in the eye and answered, “I’m going to change the world, or at least settle for world domination. ”
           Many years have passed since I first dreamt of world domination, and, like most things, I grew out of it. Soon my dreams began to take a more attainable shape, by the time I was 10, I had decided I was: (1) NEVER going to lose to Marvin Ayala EVER again; (2) go to Oxford University (or any famous ivy league); (3) say a speech during my graduation; and (4) change the world. As time went by, I started to add to that list. Suddenly, things like getting the full IB Diploma, graduating with a 5.0 GPA, join as many clubs as I can get my hands on and other stereotypical "college ready, college bound' overachiever goals were all I could think about. However, life has a very funny way of helping you reevaluate your goals.
         Suddenly all those things I once thought were a "shoe in" for Ivey League Universities don't seem to matter anymore.To be completely honest, I no longer find people who brag about their almamader impressive. Instead I have completely fallen in love with the idea of attending a liberal arts college, that's not necessarily well known, but genuinely cares about their students.Part of me secretly can not wait to experience what William Deresiewicz  describes as the purpose of college is , " assist you to establish communication between mind and the heart, mind and experience, that you become an individual being-a soul." While that sounds all too swell and dandy,  the fact it in a few months in less than 3 months I'll be applying, still renders me cripple.

So what are my goals for senior then?

1) Make the Freshmen fall in love with M.E.S.A
    M.E.S.A is one of those few things I never pictured joining, I always pictured my self more of a verbal competitor. Everything change once I entered Ms. Nguyen's class that fateful Thursday, I was hooked. I met the people who would become my heroes. Suddenly I was submerged to a buffet of opportunities  where I would be to  cater to my competitive needs. Now because  I am perhaps, one of the most selfish person  I know , I never want to see M.E.S.A fall before my very eyes.  Especially after I just met two freshmen boys Darien and Brian,who are the living proof that there is hope for class of 2018. I want to make sure M. E.S.A is to them, what it was for me. So I am going to give everything I got to make sure M.E.S.A remains that society of awesome.
2.) Become Empress of Yearbook (editor)
This is actually one is actually inspired by two people, their names? Rick Rodríguez and Karen Page. Rick taught me that it is possible to be both academic and artsy. Karen taught me that I have to take time to get art. These were probably the greatest editors we have ever had.  However there was one thing missing, the real voice, the real face of Firebaugh, or at least the real  representation of the class of 2015. I want to show that we are more than just Jesus Fuentes, that we are more Randy Heffernan. We are actors, engineers, artists, and academic decathletes. That's what I want to show in this year's yearbook. This is what I want to be shown in for every class.

3)Advance to the second round for Mock Trial and win the Top Scoring Decathlete.
It's been 3 years you guys, these are basically for:

4. Finish my comic book.
Because there should be a comic book that follows the life of a super hero slowly losing his immortality to Alzheimer's.
5. Build a giant bra and thong and hang it around school.
Why? Because Mr.Wilson said I would never do it.
6. Become either a Quest bridge or Gates millennium scholar.
Self explanatory.

The rest of my goals are pretty strait forward, stop procrastinating, strait A's, get accepted into college, find a better way to release stress, pass my I.B exams etc. But I mean who doesn't want that right?

Two Years: A Look Back

August 2, 2012. This is the date in which everything began... Well in this blog for the most part. This writing experiment has now officially been ongoing for two years, a milestone that is noteworthy because I sincerely did not see it getting here. A year maybe, but two I mean come on lets pat ourselves in the back. I have to say there have been moments where this blog has come near to internet irrelevancy, check the post history, but it has kept itself alive like Rocky in that one movie. You know which one I'm talking about. You know the one where he punches this dude, yea that one. Anyways to commemorate this event I give you the collective reaction of all most of the writers on staff. Enjoy. -G&W

Friday, August 8, 2014

Karen x 7: Name Changes And Why People Need To Chill

I always had a huge fascination with how people named their children. Why, out of all the sounds you can throw onto a child, did you choose this? So, naturally, I would ask my mom why they chose Karen for me.
She told me, "Te pusimos el nombre Karen, porque cuando tu papá estaba joven, se enamoró de su maestra. Pero no puedian estar juntos porque ella era mas mayor de edad. Me dijo cuando estabamos juntos que si tenia una hija, le iba poner Karen."
Basically, my father picked it for me in memory of his old crush on his teacher, according to my mother. My mom would always pick on him, calling her his ex-girlfriend.  I loved it. I never asked my dad for his side of the story because it was so entertaining to me, I didn't want any of the humor or "magic" to be broken. I had such a strong connection with my first name. Everything about it made me happy. The way I had to write the letter "K", three giant sticks heading in different directions. Meaning "torture" or "pure" depending on which era you're looking at. Shortened form of Katherine, becoming 2 syllables, easy to pronounce. Short, sweet, to the point. Simple. It was just right for me.

Too bad everyone's parents seemed to think the same thing because we had around 5 different Karens in each fucking class.

Karen Ramirez, Karen Hernandez, Karen Fombona, and Karen Ruiz. None of them carrying a convenient nickname in their pockets except for Karen Peña in my yearbook class, who's nickname was "Little Karen", because she was two years younger than me. (Firebaugh students flourish with creativity.) There had to be at least 2 Karens per class and I remember being caught by surprise when there was only one Karen in my senior world history class, can you say #blessed? By the end of senior year, whenever I heard the name Karen, I stopped turning around so I wouldn't waste my time finding out they were calling out some other Karen. Caused a lot of trouble when people were actually calling me, haha.

Going into my first semester of college, I had taken a Intro to Japanese class. Soothing, calm, and no clamoring noise of three girls trying to claim the name Karen at once. No awkward turning of heads trying to figure out which Karen they meant, so they wouldn't get an accidental absence on their record. So far so good. Until I hit my first art classes. Two art classes, two Karens in each one. Ruiz in one and Long in the other. Now, I wouldn't mind being in a lecture class and having a thousand Karens because it doesn't matter because none of us will be talking and all we have to do is sign our names on a sheet. But in these very interactive courses with smaller class sizes, getting confused happens. Especially when second semester hits and the three Karen artists got caught in the same 2D foundation class.

But enough about Karen, let's talk about Ramirez. Ramirez is just not a name I identify with. I was never called by it and the only times I used it were for papers. It felt like a student number, just there to sort me away from different Karens. And while I respect my ancestors and my parents for passing it down to me. But it's just that. It was passed onto me and I never fully accepted it.

And now, finally, onto Page. Page is a name I very much identify with. I started an art blog under the name Page for my art commissions, and it just became a norm for others to contact me as Page. In this world I was no longer Karen Ramirez. I was just Page. And what makes me happy is that I chose it for myself because it feels like myself. My closest friends gradually started calling me Page and slowly I'm trying to introduce myself as such. I accept it and would prefer to be called Page rather than Karen or Ramirez. It just became a part of who I am.

The biggest problem with this name change for me is bringing it up to people who only call me Karen. Which, I think is why I even wrote this piece. Whenever I bring it up to not so close friends, they don't understand why I even want to do it in the first place. That's fine. I don't mind if people don't understand but still go along with it. Hell, I don't even care if you slip and call me Karen by accident because it's bound to happen. But I've had people outright refuse to call me Page altogether because it would be an inconvenience for them to have to remember a new name. They won't even try. Being unable to be slightly uncomfortable for .02 seconds to comfort a friend who's trying to go through a process, just doesn't sit right with me. It's big but not everyone feels so attached to their names. Changing your name is a slight change of worlds and, to me, it's a new step in the direction I want to go in my life.

Tl;dr: I'm named after my dad's ex. Life as Karen. I changed my last name. Prefer to be called by it. People change their names. Don't be a dick about it.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Thoughts That Arise in The Last Minutes of August 1st 2k14

   With only roughly less than  ninety minutes left of August 1st, and "Good For Great" by Matt and Kim playing softly in the background, I can't help but feel emotionally overwhelmed by the situation that I have found my self in. Life is happening too fast.

   I guess it's more than that. To be honest I'm really pissed off.  I'm mad at myself for not being able to finish my first blog post, even though I've been working on it for two weeks. I'm mad because I'm too scared to write about my goals. I'm mad for ignoring my friends advice on attending  college work shops. I'm mad because I ignored Dr.Busick's email, for postponing my historiography research. I'm mad because I spent thirty minutes staring at a screen before I actually started writing this. I'm mad because I'm not ready to see the "places I'll go". I'm mad because I stared at the  Common App for one fucking  hour  and deciding that I'll start it tomorrow. I am mad because I  haven't been able to come to terms with the fact that, in less than a year I will no longer attend school with my younger brother. For starting 95% of these sentences with "I'm mad..." That I'm graduating.

    I'm astonished at how eager my friends and classmates are to leave, how easy they can just throw it away. To throw away childhood. To be excited for senior year. Were we not sophomores not too long ago? I used to want this day to happen, I really did. So badly I wanted to see the world.I remember counting down the years until the day would arrive for me to leave. I was such a pretentious little brat when I started high school.  Now that I'm starting the long expect journey, I don't even have the will to open the door.

   To top it all off  I couldn't even plaster on a smile for my little cousins birthday.

 ..... I really don't know when I'll finally "agarro la onda", but hopefully it happens soon. I really want to finish that post.