Sunday, September 30, 2012

Pep-Per Rally

Today I witnessed yet another attempt of pep evoking mania by the Active Student Body. Throughout the presentation I could not help but notice a repetition of the same formula used to cook up these pep rallies. The previous two classes did the same music plus games plus candy equals a pep concoction.I don't want to put too much emphasis on this sole pep rally, but it could serve as a precursor of what we can expect of the cabinet of students in charge of our senior activities. Kudos to them because I would not be able to handle such a herculean task. But I digress back to the pep rally.

As I approached the area of max peppiness I could notice a rather desperate cry for seniors to come and participate in the rally from our senior class president. She was courteous enough to give use a explicit countdown to the rally. This of course had the desire affect as a herd of seniors came and congregated near the rally area. There was a game involving hula hoops, but this is pretty much all I can say on the subject because this was about the time the pep didn't captivate me and I left the rally. I want to make it clear that this is not because of the rally itself, but my inability to be pepped or rallied.

However I did return because well I needed some material to write this very intriguing post. As I returned I saw that the people were having a shouting contest over shirts, I wonder what they would do for pants or socks? However our gracious student leaders threw the shirts in the air for everyone to fight for. Funny thing is that a junior ended up getting a shirt, afterwards he was called out for it and swiftly returned it. To finish up the pep rally delicious and mouth pleasing MnMs were given away. So this was an interesting beginning to our senior year, hopefully it keeps in this boisterous attitude. 

Friday, September 21, 2012

Club Rush

Day 1: Today was the first day of CLUB RUSH!!! Wait whats that you say well lets first start by describing club rush as a whole. Club rush is when the collective whole of all clubs in FHS gather to coax people to join their cause. It is held in the gym where booths all around ranging from Leo club to Anime club. Many of the most popular clubs were at the front of the gym and the rest scattered to take the next available spot in the hierarchy; my booth was near the entrance, which in retrospect was a pretty good spot. As people came, I could easily spot the ones who new what they were doing. They usually went directly to Leo club to sign up and left before the avalanche of people arrived. The first day was very energetic and boisterous, probably because again it is the first day. Hopefully it will continue to have this level of energy.

Day 2: "What is this about" has become the standard introduction in the event called club rush. I have been asked this question so many times today, it was close to irritation. However this inquiry was to be expected, but enough about my troubles what about club rush. Well today was the equivalent of the massive low you get after a sugar rush. Yes, the club rush has died down a bit. There was enough people to not make the event embarrassing and maybe I am over exaggerating, but the decrease in people is evident. This was to be expected though, maybe we should only have club rush in two days, whats with the third day. Oh well.

Day 3: I didn't go, so yeah.....

Sunday, September 16, 2012

The Plight Of A Senior

They always told me it was not going to be easy, but they sure didn't tell me it was going to be this frustrating. I have official been a senior for about three weeks and I have completely gone bonkers. As of now I have about a million thoughts a second being process by a brain that has been on stand by for at least two whole months. My computer has become my only friend; working with me for countless hours. Filing out scholarship, college, and SAT applications. My mind feels like it's been hijacked by the stress of college forms and scholarship applications and they aren't going to be giving it back any time soon.

My worst fear is that this is only a precursor of the more excruciating things to come as time mercilessly passes. For example IB tests that I was foolish enough to order a quadruple amount of. It seems now that the sweet little lies of summers, the false sense of time, has hit me like a ton of bricks. It's do or die time; what am I going to do? The distant fascinations of being a senior have become an immediate truth and it is not like I imagined them to be. Everything seems like it's under control but maybe I am just playing a cruel joke on myself. How I wish I had an agenda right now! 

Hopefully I am just overreacting, I mean my sleep deprivation could be the cause of it. This lack of rest has become a trite symptom among my fellow classmates. I swear one of these days my body will revolt against me and I wouldn't blame it. Nonetheless, this is all for college and my future and is therefore all worth it; right? I mean everyday this strong belief on my actions is being slowly chipped away by my mortal fatigue. So this is how my first couple of weeks have been; fun no?

Monday, September 10, 2012

My Birthday

Today was my birthday; not that this is important. However it does raise the concept of  the "Birth-Day". If we break the word down; it literally means the day in which you were born. So what is it with this human obsession to glorify it. Do human beings just want to feed their egos; some how proving that we are the superior race on Earth? Celebrations are usually held for important events; why are our birthdays special or important? I personally do not celebrate my birthday for the simple reason that there is nothing that I have done to merit a celebration. And this is true with many other birthdays.

Many people associate 'birthday" with the beginning of life; I am not saying that a beginning of a life is not special, but does it require an annual celebration. There are approximately 7 billion people on earth; do they all celebrate their birthday? I can hypothesize that religion and the belief in a soul could be a reason of the celebration of birthdays. I mean if you believe that a soul was finally given to a human baby which resulted in the baby having life, in a religious sense, then maybe that merits a glorification of the event.However annual celebration for any particular thing, are important because they glorify a person or event that changes the world/country. Birthdays lack this.

 To me I do not see the point; I did nothing special today, why celebrate? I didn't make a contribution to science, I didn't win a noble peace prize, I haven't inspired a nation. The only person who deserves some sort of recognition today is my mother. For she is the one who had to ordeal the whole process of child bearing. So today I will say thank you to my mom, for giving me the opportunity to be her son. THANKS MOM! Maybe one day I will deserve a celebration on the day of my birth; but until then.....

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Deferred In Firebaugh

On Friday, September 7th, a group of lawyers and advocates of immigrant students(Southeast Leadership Network) came to Marco Antonio Firebaugh High School to help in the filing out of the deferred action form. This was a great event for the minority of undocumented students in M.A. Firebaugh High School and around the area. The seminar included a variety of professional lawyers who gave step-by-step instruction in completing the deferred act application.

The entire event was split into two groups: English and Spanish which catered to the two predominant languages spoken in our community. Each group had an individual presenter who instructed in their particular language. I can't talk about the Spanish group, but I was in the English group,which was a very expedient experience. There was also a group of separate lawyers that took individual people to take questions. This was very helpful, but sadly I was unable to talk to one of the lawyers.

In conclusion, the event was very helpful. They catered to the languages in our community and provided a more personal assistance. The future looks bright for undocumented students looking to help the community.


To Be Or Not To Be?

 To be or not to be. A question that puzzles us all. Poor Hamlet suffered from this dilemma. Is it better to go against the offender or is it better to withstand the pains that it has brought him. As we enlarge this to a more bigger aspect we see that our quest of living are brought down to these choices. Is it better to be. For being is the way we have thought to see life, living as human "beings". Therefore not to be would require one to stop being one self. So can it even be possible to refrain from being. "For who would bear the whips and scorns of time. The oppressor's wrong, the proud man's contumely, the pangs of despised love,the law's delay, the insolence of office and spurns." Is Hamlet claiming that it may be impossible to "Suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune." Are we all destine to suffer Hamlet's fate?

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Goals For My Senior Year

Well, Senior year is finally here. I honestly can't believe how quickly time has gone by. It almost seems surreal. Anyways, my goals for this year are like everyone Else's, to graduate from High School and get accepted to a top ranked school. I'm not sure what I want to pursue yet but I do know it has to be within the field of science. Therefore, I'm going to have to step it up a notch and have that ambition in order to strive throughout my Senior year ; I want this school year to be memorable for many years to come. I know there are many more obstacles to overcome, but I know that I am capable of overcoming any obstacle that stands in my way. It all depends on how much I want something and how hard I am willing to fight for it. You always need to have a goal and have the ambition to accomplish the goal you are fighting for.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Blast From The Past

This video was made by past Firebaugh alumni; kudos to them this is really well made.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

First 5 Days

This first week has been a little mundane to tell the truth, but it was alright I guess. I got to see my friends again and it was pretty exciting to first step into school as a senior. I don't really feel the difference between this year and last year, I got most of the same teachers and only 2 new teachers, so it feels like I'm still an eleventh grader. When I watched the freshman and sophomores go into the school, I was thinking in my mind "Ha you guys are trapped here for another 3 or 4 years, but I'm almost free." I still don't like how my school looks because it looks like a small prison, but I guess its not all that bad.

The first four days have been a little painful because it felt like I went back to my regular routine and I wanted to break free from it. I was getting depressed about what was going to happen in the near future like college and choosing a career, but thanks to one of my friends I was able to move forward. I really liked the new reward system that the school created because now I have a chance to go to an amusement park as a reward for have a good GPA. I thought the first four days were interesting to say the least. I wanted something to happen, ANYTHING to happen that would add a little excitement to my regular life.

The final day of the week was the best day out of the whole week for multiple reasons. First, it was the day before a three day weekend. Second, I stayed for a while after school and found Bulaoshi playing badminton with a Chinese foreign exchange student and I started to play with them. Finally, I got to know two other people while playing badminton and after that Bulaoshi treated all of us to some Chinese food. Now I will help the foreign exchange in chemistry and will start playing badminton on Fridays (sometimes).

Saturday, September 1, 2012

First Busy Week Of School

I am in this picture
Hello there my name is Pedro Hernandez and I am currently a 12th Grader (senior) from Firebaugh High School (FHS). There have been some slight changes in the school this year. For example the phrases that have been put on several doors/walls around the entire school. Some are inspiring but some seem silly in my personal opinion. The most nerdy phrases in the school are the ones that have to deal with "Star Wars". In my opinion they should write better and more cool motivational phrases instead, but that's just my opinion.