Friday, August 31, 2012

Yes; A Video!!!

I did this in the 10th; enj...

One Week Down, So Many To Go

Student Stampede Yes, The great institute of learning named Firebaugh High School has had it's first week of active school. Freshmen tread the new environment that will be their school for three years; Sophomores still don't know what to do; Juniors prepare to be the top dogs next year, and finally...

First Week Of New School Year

Good first week of school. Another year of school another year to learn. School may seem as a prison, as a escape, or just plain boring. But lets us see the objectives. School was establish to bring an vast array of knowledge in one convenient location. Basically, it's just the ideal way to get smarter....

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Last Post As An Eleventh Grader

Cool Falcon  I know I did a similar post earlier in the month, but I don't care I'm going to do this post anyways; rules are for fools. No need to worry though I am going to say new more relevant things this time around. Instead of foreshadowing my possible future as a senior; I will reflect...

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Severus Snape

A True Hero Snape (from The Harry Potter movies) is made out to be one of the villains in the movies, but he is a hero. Once I saw the first six movies, I was thinking that he is only trying to get back at Harry for what his dad did to him in the past, but it was a complete misunderstanding....

Friday, August 17, 2012

Oh School

Today I returned to school; no not for actual learning purposes, but for an orientation. This orientation is some sort of tradition for the school because we do it every year and they say the exact same thing every year. I saw some old faces that I would have preferred to have seen later. I received...

Saturday, August 11, 2012


Yeeeeeeessssssss!!!!!! Mexico has won the final leading to their first gold medal in the summer Olympics. I am kind of lost for words and I don't think I could do an adequate job of describing such a momentous occasion. So instead I am just going to enjoy this moment; It's a good day to be a Mexican....

Friday, August 10, 2012

Mexico In The Final

Yaaaaaay!!!! Mexico is in the final!! The Mexican national football(or soccer what ever you want to call it) team is in the gold medal match against Brazil in this year's summer Olympics in London. Since I am originally from Mexico this event is sort of a big deal. Therefore I have decide to write...

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Final Year

Once again I have to go back to school like most people and wonder will this year be the best year of high school? I am somewhat excited of going back as a senior, but at the same time I wish that I could have more time to enjoy these restful days. Knowing that this will be my busiest year gets me motivated to work even harder especially since I will be joining a lot of clubs. I am excited about...

Monday, August 6, 2012

Back To School!!!!

Happiness, life, joy, elation, fulfillment, bliss these are all adjectives I would use to describe my summer vacation. While engulfed in this big glob of happiness I seem to have forgotten that I need to get back to a little thing called school. I cannot tell you how many times I have had my summer...

Thursday, August 2, 2012


Recently there has been issues towards immigrations and this has affect immigrant students. This is an issue that directly affects me, which is the reason I have decided to write about this. About two years ago I wrote a speech, which I presented to my avid class, about immigrant students and why...

An Explanation Of Truthiness

   I recently saw a hilarious episode of The Colbert Report. In this particular episode Stephen Colbert talks about truthiness and its implication in our current political world. But what is truthiness and can it be used as a source of knowlge? Well more after the jump....


Hello and welcome to GrapesAndWaffles, a new blog for MA Firebaugh students and alumni alike. For those that live under a rock and don't know what or where the marvelous Marco Antonio Firebaugh High School is at here is a quick overview. Firebaugh is in a small town(or city i don't know) called Lynwood. It is a fairly adequate and new school that was established in 2005. Something noteworthy about...